Is 20 days enough to study for an exam ? | 20 days study plan | Timetable for 20 Days Before Exam

20 Day Study Plan: Preparing for the exam in 20 days seems difficult, but not so. You can score well if you prepare for the exam in just a few days. No matter how complete your preparation is, the name of the exam creates fear and anxiety; this is a widespread problem, so first of all, always try to keep yourself motivated. School students preparing for exams and aspirants preparing for any kind of exam can crack any exam if they continue with 20 days of concentration and focus.

In this article, we will discuss the complete 20-day strategy, which helps us to prepare for the exam in 20 days of short time. be with this article and follow every instruction given below.

Make a strategy / Create a Plan (20 Days Study Plan)

make a detailed timetable for every single activity you will do in the next 20 rest days. Keep in mind that this strategy should be study-focused. Follow this strategy with discipline.

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Make a study strategy 

Decide an important topic: List a subject or topic which you have to prepare for the exam. 

Choose a goal: Set goals to track daily or weekly progress.

Allocation of time: Fix a day for each subject or topic and note the progress. Give more time to the most important subjects and difficult subjects and also allocate time for the remaining subjects according to their importance.

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Gather the materials you need

All the notes and textbooks you need for this exam. Make sure that all are available with you, there is no problem due to lack of material.

Other resources: If needed, use other resources like online study material, eBook or video classes.

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Memory Techniques Experiment

Visual aids: Simplify a difficult subject or topic by using diagrams, charts or mind maps.

 Mnemonics: Use mnemonics to remember lists of dates or numbers.

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Active Learning Strategies

Summarized and concise notes: Make short and to-the-point notes on all the topics. These notes will help in quick revisions during exam time.

 Teach others: Teach others what you read to help them remember what you read. If no one is there then talk to the mirror.

 Problem-solving practice: Try to solve questions from subjects like science and math. This practice will help you a lot with these subjects.

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 Time Management / Timetable for 20 Days Before Exam

 Take breaks: After 40–45 minutes of continuous study, take a short break (10–15 minutes).

 Review: Regularly review what you are reading. For this, you should use any test series or self-testing.

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 Do exercise or yoga

 Exercise: To stay healthy, do some exercise so that you remain healthy during exam preparation.

Yoga: To remain focused and healthy, you can also do yoga which will protect your brain from getting tense.

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 Eat good food and sleep

Food: Eat healthy food so that you do not face any medical issues during exam preparation.

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Sleep: Take at least 8–9 hours of sleep, it helps you develop good memory power.

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 Practice questions from related exams

Practice questions: Practice previous exam questions to make it easier to understand the format and depth of the exam.

20 days study plan | image credit pexel | exam preparation in 20 days

Get help

 Ask for help from others: Take help from teachers, parents, friends or online platforms on difficult questions.

20 days study plan | image credit pexel | I have 20 days for my exam. How should I study?

Distance from social media

Social Media: Do not spend much time on social media during exams or completely exclude yourself from social media, social media is an addiction which tries to keep you connected with one tempting content after another.

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 Always be positive

 Keep stress away: For this, take the help of motivational quotes or stories and do yoga.

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 Last touch

 Revise Notes: Revise or practice short notes made for all subjects. To practice, you can take the help of a digital slate.

 Rest: Take rest a day or two before the exam, do light practice and do not take too much stress.

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By following these few steps honestly, you can perform well in any exam in 20 days. While practising these steps, keep yourself calm and confident. Give specific time to a specific subject and keep yourself positive till the exam is over.